Hello world!

Originally published at: https://pbg.geektherapy.com/2018/08/13/hello-world/

Welcome to Parole Board Games!  I’m not sure how you got here but I’m glad you’re here.

Parole Board Games is a blog about tabletop gaming within a youth correctional facility.  My goal is to work with youth to develop skills through the medium of tabletop games.  Yes, I’m talking about board games, card games, and hopefully soon role-playing games.  I wholeheartedly believe that this is possible and have been doing it for some time now.  I believe that games can be transformative for people as I myself have been someone who has learned so much about myself through playing games and have grown tremendously since I’ve decided to dive into the geek culture.

Anyway, come along with me as I work with youth and share stories of successes and failures in an attempt to build skills and transform young men who are currently incarcerated in a youth correctional facility.


Excellent! I look forward to reading your blogs.